NVC Events

Workshops & Trainings

Listed below are workshops and trainings in Georgia and beyond. For a list of ongoing practice groups, please refer to our Practice page.

Events listed are not necessarily organized by GaNVC and do not imply endorsement or agreement.

Local Events

The SELF Program is suspended while Cynthia and Faye are teaching a Nonviolent Communication graduate level education course at area locations for Thomas University this Spring. Sherri Boles-Rogers will be offering this same 8 week course in Macon.

We're celebrating the possibilities that this NVC learning can offer to Georgia classroom teachers and appreciate that this GaNVC website was the source of initial contact for creating connection between Thomas U and us !!

Should Cynthia and Faye decide to offer a late Spring SELF workshop, you'll find it listed here. In the meantime, they are both available for individual coaching session (in person or on the phone) and invite you to email them with workshop requests.

Other Events

(None at this time).

Event Submission

If you would like to submit your NVC or Sociocracy event to us for inclusion in this list, please use our Event Submission Form.

Any edits to previously published events must be handled via regular email to Cynthia, cynthia at sacredspaceinc.com.


Telephone courses offered by CNVC Certified Trainers are currently available through the NVC Academy. Expand your NVC skills without leaving home!