I’ve always been interested in human growth – my own and that of others. Upon discovering Nonviolent CommunicationSM while looking for tools that would support Mark and me in our journey together, I became fired up about the dramatic results and insights I saw NVC workshop participants experience. NVC provides a tangible tool for achieving the type authentic and caring connection I’d yearned for all my life.
After organizing multiple learning events in Atlanta to host Marshall Rosenberg, author of the Nonviolent Communication process, I decided it was time to build my own skills to the point I’d be comfortable offering NVC concepts to others. I gained both learning and offering experience through CNVC’s certification program and have subsequently enjoyed ongoing learning with the 2008 Life group.
The Restorative Circle application of NVC principles also captured my passionate interest as a tool to support groups in addressing conflict and differences. I enjoyed being part of the team that brought RC to Atlanta in 2010.
I love facilitating groups that are interested in growing and maintaining NVC consciousness. I also enjoy being present to individuals or couples focused on building compassionate connection to themselves and others. Being able to provide potential NVC learners with science-based evidence of NVC’s transformative impact has been high on my “bucket list” for quite a while and I’m thrilled to be part of this team.