NVC Facilitators
View the GaNVC Recognized Facilitators Guidelines. (pdf)
Following is a list of GaNVC Recognized Facilitators.
- Cynthia Moe
- CNVC Certified Trainer
- GaNVC Recognized Facilitator
- MFA (Art) University of Georgia, BS (Business Education) University of Florida
- 400+ Hours of NVC Training
- Adjunct Professor, Thomas University
I have focused my learning, sharing and growth on Nonviolent CommunicationSM skills since 2003. I feel hopeful that these tools can contribute to harmony, collaboration and satisfaction in all relationships – both personal and professional. Since focusing on incorporating NVC principles and consciousness into my daily life, I experience increased connection, understanding and satisfaction in my own relationships and interactions. I have experienced the relationship and consciousness transformation and enrichment that can occur by using Nonviolent Communication, and I'm interested in offering these tools wherever and whenever possible.
I most enjoy developing and offering long-term NVC learning and support programs for schools, community organizations, businesses, families and individuals. Areas of special interest include Relationship Enrichment, NVC-based Mediation, NVC/Sociocracy-based Meeting Effectiveness and Cultivating Inner and Outer Peace. I find NVC learning can occur effectively thru either individual consultations or in group sessions.
- cynthia at sacredspaceinc.com, or 678-438-3331
- Location: Tucker, GA
- Faye Landey
- CNVC Certified Trainer
- GaNVC Recognized Facilitator
- BA Emory University
- 400+ Hours of NVC Training
- Adjunct Professor, Thomas University
- A door opened for me and I had an incredible “aha” the first time I was introduced to the concepts of NVC. You know that kind of “aha” that radiates and wakes up every cell and bone in your body. It happened when the concept of universal human needs was brought into my consciousness. I somehow had known, ever since I was a little girl, that all humans share basic yearnings, desires, joys. Yet, I had lost my awareness over the years. Mine was a world where norms and mores were valued more than individuality. Now I am learning to relish my own humanness, which allows me to be present with others even in challenging situations.
- Here in Georgia we are building a committed network of people who have a vision to bring our planet to a more peaceful way of communicating and to end the violence that grows out of blame, judgment and evaluation. Toward that aim, my personal goal is to offer the NVC model to those folks who have capacity to reach others exponentially. I see these folks as “change agents” because they are the ones who can teach and influence others. My intention is to contribute to an awareness and consciousness in our culture that will foster more respect of each other's basic humanness.
- fayelandey at mindspring.com, or 404-863-3289
- Location: Sandy Springs, GA
- Mark FeinKnopf
- GaNVC Recognized Facilitator
- BS Yale University, M Architecture Harvard University
- 400+ Hours of NVC Training
I have such a strong need to connect and contribute to another person's well being that I feel deep joy in sharing NVC whenever possible. My personal excitement flows when I see the joy in the eyes of another as they feel the shift of deep clarity that is possible when they truly connect with themselves.
For over 50 years, as an architect, urban planner and community-involved citizen, I have been privileged to work in collaborative relationships with people of all ages from diverse backgrounds. NVC, in concert with Sociocracy and Appreciative Inquiry have enhanced my understanding of the possibilities that each of us has to create a more peaceful world for ourselves and each person whom we touch. I can not imagine a more fulfilling way to enjoy these precious years of my life.
- mark at sacredspaceinc.com, or 404-444-7006
- Location: Tucker, Georgia
- Sherri Boles-Rogers
- GaNVC Recognized Facilitator, ACPI Certified Parenting Coach
- BA (Journalism) UNC-Chapel Hill
- 400+ Hours of NVC Training
- Adjunct Professor, Thomas University
I believe we can transform our homes and our world into more peaceful places by how we raise our children. That's why I'm passionate about supporting parents, grandparents, caregivers and teachers in raising the next generation with NVC awareness.
I'm a working mother of two boys, ages 18 and 16, and I know about the challenges of trying to incorporate peaceful parenting into daily hectic living. On top of that, our society isn't set up to support those who are trying to integrate the NVC approach into parenting and teaching. My goal is to provide awareness, understanding, and support to move away from “power over” strategies with children and move into “power with” relationships based on mutual respect and trust.
As a Certified Parenting Coach and Parent Educator, I help parents shift their focus from managing behaviors to nurturing relationships (based on NVC principles). This shift, in turn, helps decrease the struggles and increase the joys of parenting!
- sherri at parentingheart.com, or 678-362-3889
- Location: North Atlanta
- Carolyn Steinhaus
- GaNVC Recognized Facilitator
- M Div Starr King School for the Ministry, BS (Mathematics) Emory University, MS & PhD Candidacy (Computer Science) University of Michigan.
- 350+ Hours of NVC Training
I seek a vital connection to life – activities which stimulate me, which delight me and which meet important needs of myself and others. I value relationships and ways of relating which support them. Nonviolent CommunicationSM is a primary support for approaching life this way. In my experience, an effectively facilitated NVC practice group can be a place for healing and growth – real and positive personal change, deep friendships and a tremendous amount of fun. Because of my underlying belief in the value of the integrity of the whole person, I approach my work with others with a priority on healing and recovery from repression, transformation of denial, and personal integration in the depths of our beings.
A recent graduate from the Starr King School for the Ministry, I am developing a small group ministry practice as I pursue both ordination within the Unitarian Universalist Association and Candidacy with the Center for Nonviolent Communication. NVC practice groups and workshops are presently at the heart of this ministry. In my small group ministry, outreach education and consulting, I involve a mix of skills, dreamwork exploration and active listening to empower clients. Earlier life study and interest in the Computer and Communication Sciences continues to serve me well in my current endeavors.
- carolyn.steinhaus at me.net, or 404-401-5722
- Location: Emory Area, Atlanta